What is Easy GML?
It's simple! Easy GML is a free guide that covers the basics of the Game Maker Language. This guide was
written to assist those looking for assistance in learning the basics of Game Maker.

But what makes Easy GML the best choice?
Well that's easy... Easy GML is free! The guide comes at no cost, but that isn't the only reason you should
choose Easy GML. Easy GML is written well and composed of Pictures, Files, Examples, and more to assist
you in your learning. You also get to see working code right in the guide!

Recomendations and Fixes

    I am looking to improve "Easy GML" until a time I decide it is complete and I can move onto a second addition of "Easy GML." This means I need help adding content and fixing errors within the book. If you come across and error or have a recommendation, please comment on it on this page.

Thank You!


  1. great work just a minor peev I had to try and click on the download link several times before it worked,could you fix that?

    1. Hey Shenron!
      I apologize for any issues with the download link. This site hasn't been updated in 4 or 5 years so I am not surprised the links are dead or having issues.

      This guide was developed for Game Maker 8, bUT I hope you have still found it beneficial in your Quest to learn GML.

      I eventually plan to rewrite this guide for new versions of game maker, but will need to get back into it as I have definitely gotten a little rusty after taking a few years off.

      Best of luck in your game making quest,

      Drew Bach
